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Restless Knights
Zugzwang is when the player whose turn it is to move cannot do so without worsening his position. He wishes he could pass and not move, but has to, that's how the game is played. When White has made a move, Black has to move, and vice versa. Knowing how to get your opponent into zugzwang is extremely useful, and here below you can learn how to do just that.
Tips for using the board below: If you tap the f3-square, that'll take you to the next game. C3 will take you back to the previous one. If you tap e7, that will flip the board. Note that once you've flipped the board, the functions don't flip, so e7 becomes d2, f3 becomes c6 and c3 becomes f6. Many more squares have functions, I'll let you discover them for yourself if you want to.
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