Restless Knights
My name is Smári R Teitsson and I am an Icelandic chess teacher. I have developed a compilation of chess puzzles which I have used to teach hundreds of students, many of which have had success both nationally and internationally. I believe that those puzzles have played a role in my students’ progress. Others that use this material are the Icelandic Chess School (Skákskóli Íslands, a branch of the Icelandic Chess Federation), Reykjavík Chess Club (Taflfélag Reykjavíkur), GM Hellir Chess Club, Akureyri Chess Club (Skákfélag Akureyrar) and the Reykjavík Chess Academy (Skákakademía Reykjavíkur) to name a few.
The compilation is divided into levels, where level 1 is meant for complete beginners. As you go through each level the puzzles get more and more difficult. There’s even a slight overlap, so the last puzzles of each level tend to be a little bit more difficult than the first ones of the next level.
Each level is sold as a pdf-file, complete with solutions and explanations. It’s your choice whether you print the compilation or show the puzzles on a computer screen or on a projector. I'm convinced this material will be useful to chess teachers/coaches and to parents who want to help their students/children to become better at chess (also to grown-up players who want to improve, and to those who just love chess puzzles but aren’t necessarily competing). The puzzles are not meant to be the sole method of teaching chess, but will complement other methods nicely. How the pieces move, what is check, what is mate and how to mate etc. is not taught in this compilation, this is where the students put these things to practice. Buy with PayPal. Once payment is received, the puzzles will be emailed to you.
Level 1: This pdf-file contains 240 puzzles with solutions and explanations, 54 pages in total. Meant for complete beginners.
Price: $5.95 USD
Theme colour: Green
Common themes: Mate in one, capture pieces, avoid pieces being captured.
File format: PDF
Delivery method: Email
Level 2: This pdf-file contains 180 puzzles with solutions and explanations, 43 pages in total. Meant for players who have either finished level 1 or have a playing strength of about 800-1400 Elo.
Price: $4.95 USD
Them colour: Blue
Common themes: Mate in two, two move combinations, gain of material, the fork, the pin etc.
File format: PDF
Delivery method: Email
Level 3: This pdf-file contains 90 puzzles with solutions and explanations, 24 pages in total. Meant for players who have either finished level 2 or have a playing strength of about 1200-1700 Elo.
Price: $3.95 USD
Theme colour: Red
Common themes: Mate in two-four moves, two-four move combinations, gain of material, the fork, the pin, interference etc.
File format: PDF
Delivery method: Email
Level 4: This pdf-file contains 60 puzzles with solutions and explanations, 18 pages in total. Meant for players who have either finished level 3 or have a playing strength of about 1500-2000 Elo.
Price: $2.95 USD
Theme colour: Purple
Common themes: Mate in three-six moves, three-six move combinations, gain of material, interference, zugzwang, windmill etc.
File format: PDF
Delivery method: Email
The Mate in 2 workbook: 90 awesome puzzles with solutions and explanations on 20 pages. You know it's mate in two moves in every case! If you teach chess, this is a good exercise to print out for your students.
Price: $2.95 USD
Theme colour: Orange
File format: PDF
Delivery method: Email
Last but not least, you can buy all four levels plus the Mate in 2 workbook in one nice package for only $14.95 and thus save $5.90. This is of course the best value. You get 660 puzzles on a total of 159 pages, with solutions and explanations. Much thought, time and effort has gone into this, to ensure that each puzzle is where it belongs.
Price: $14.95 USD
File format: Multiple PDFs
Delivery method: Email

Smári R Teitsson

Smári's Puzzles Level 1 - Sample

Smári's Puzzles Level 2 - Sample

Smári's Puzzles Level 3 - Sample