Restless Knights
Basic Mating Pattern Puzzles
Electric Fence Mate
Queen Mate
Instructions and tips: To the right side of the board you'll see a number followed by a question mark. If that number is followed by one dot, that means it's White to move, if there are three dots it's Black to move. Further to the right you can see how many moves the puzzle is. When you think you have found the solution, check your answer using the control buttons below. For each mate there is more than one puzzle. You can go to the next puzzle either by using the menu above the board or simply tap the f3-button on the board (the one White's kingside knight usually goes to in the opening). You can also flip the board by pressing the e7-square (the one in front of the black king in the initial position).
Rook Mate
Back Rank Mate
Ready to level up? Here you will find more checkmating patterns that are also very useful to know.